═══ 1. Help for Select ═══ Select the Select option to perform the following functions: o Install the files necessary to set up this workstation as a code server. o Install the product diskette images to be accessed by a remote install session. o Create bootable diskettes to be used by clients to remotely install applications from this code server. o Generate a report on the setup of your code server. ═══ 2. Help for Remove ═══ Select Redirected Install Support to remove the files and support necessary for this workstation to operate as a code server. ═══ 3. Help for Application Diskette Images ═══ Select Application Diskette Images to remove the diskette images for applications which are remotely installable by clients. The Redirected Install Support utility supports the installation of the following product images: OS/2, NTS/2, LAN Server 3.0 and Extended Services. ═══ 4. Help for Remove ═══ Select the Remove option to remove the Redirected Install Support from the code server. This option also allows you to selectively remove application diskette images from this code server. ═══ 5. Help for Configure ═══ Select the Configure option to modify the LAN configuration for this code server. ═══ 6. Help for Redirected Install Support ═══ Select Redirected Install Support to install the files and support necessary for this workstation to operate as a code server. ═══ 7. Help for Application Diskette Images ═══ Select Application Diskette Images to install the diskette images for applications which you want to be remotely installable by clients. The Redirected Install Support utility supports the installation of the following product images: OS/2, NTS/2, LAN Server 3.0 and Extended Services. ═══ 8. Help for Create Client Diskettes ═══ Select Create Client Diskettes to create a set of bootable diskettes which can be used by clients to remotely install applications from this code server. ═══ 9. Help for Diskette Source Drive ═══ Specify the letter of the diskette drive which will read all product source diskettes. This will usually be an A: or B: diskette drive. ═══ 10. Help for Target-Redirected Install Support ═══ Specify the target drive location where you want to install the Redirected Install Support. This will be the drive on the code server which will contain the directories and program code for Redirected Install Support. A directory structure will be created for you. ═══ 11. Help for Client Files ═══ Specify the drives on the code server where the subdirectories for log files, response files, and client command files will be created. These may be on the same drive, or on different drives. ═══ 12. Help for Server Name ═══ Specify a 1-8 character NETBIOS name for this code server. This name will identify this Code Server to clients for purposes of remote installation. Note that if this workstation is also a LAN Server or requester, this name should be different than the name used to identify this workstation as a LAN Server or requester. Under certain conditions you may want to have two or more code servers which "share" the same name. To indicate that the name is shared, select the Configure option after completing the installation of the Redirected Install Support. ═══ 13. Help for Install Product Images ═══ Select the product images to be installed on the code server and specify the target drive where each set of images is to be installed. Each product may be installed on a different disk drive. Refer to the README file on the NTS/2 Utilities diskette for information on DASD requirements for the supported product images. If LAN NetView Start is installed on this code server, and you select to install NTS/2 LAPS, the NTS/2 LAPS diskette images must be stored on the same drive specified for Redirected Install Support. ═══ 14. Help for Target-Boot Diskettes ═══ Specify the target diskette drive to be used for the creation of a set of client bootable diskettes. The procedure will require two blank formatted diskettes. ═══ 15. Help for Specify Client Info ═══ Specify information for a particular client or set of clients. o Type of LAN Adapter installed on the client workstation. o Adapter Number to be used for SRVIFS. The default is Adapter 0. o Session timeout value of 15 or 30 seconds. You may want to select the higher value when the LAN is bridged by slower line speeds, such as a LAN-to-LAN WAN or a remote bridge. o Path and Filename of the specific PROTOCOL.INI file that you want to install on the client boot diskette. You may use your own file name for a non-default PROTOCOL.INI file; it will be renamed to PROTOCOL.INI at installation time. If this parameter is omitted, a default PROTOCOL.INI will be created. ═══ 16. Help for Client Identification ═══ Specify how this client will be identified by this code server. o Automatically creating client name at install time will allow any client to use these boot diskettes. The client name will be determined during the connection process, and the default response files will be used. This option should not be selected if the default code server configuration has been modified to include a client authorization list, or if LAN NetView Start installation command files will be used. o Selecting Prompt user for client name will prompt the user at the workstation for a client name during installation. o If you want to Obtain name from client IBMLAN.INI file, the CONFIG.SYS file on the boot drive will be searched for the IFS=path\NETWKSTA.IFS /I: path statement to find the path for IBMLAN.INI. o If you select Specify client name on boot diskette and enter a client name, these boot diskettes will establish a remote install session using the specified client name. If the default code server configuration has been modified to include a client authorization list, then the client's name must appear in the AUTHLIST file. Refer to the NTS/2 Installation and Configuration Guide for information on creating an authorization list. ═══ 17. Help for Installation Command File ═══ A default installation command file was created when product diskette images were installed. This command file will allow a client to install all the product images that have been installed using the Setup Utility. If the Use the default installation command file option is selected, then the default installation command file will be used whenever a client-specific command file does not exist in the ..\CID\CLIENT directory. A client-specific command file is an installation command file that has a filename equal to the client name. If LAN NetView Start is installed on this code server, you will be prompted on another panel to provide the SNA Network Name which LAN NetView Start uses to extend the CID directory structure. If you select this option, and LAN NetView Start is installed, you must ensure that there is a default installation command file in the ..\CID\CLIENT\ subdirectory. If you select Do not use the default installation command file, the ..\CID\CLIENT subdirectory (or ..\CID\CLIENT\ subdirectory if LAN NetView Start is installed) must contain a file called .CMD, which defines the set of products to be installed on that client's workstation. This option is not valid if you selected Automatically create client name at install time on the previous panel. ═══ 18. Help for Server Config ═══ Server configuration allows you to modify the default configuration for the code server's LAN communications. The following parameters are specified in the SRVIFS configuration file (SERVICE.INI) which is located in the \CID\SERVER directory on the drive where Redirected Installation Support is installed. o Server Name specifies the 1 to 8 character NETBIOS name by which this server will be known on the network. If this name does not apply to a group of servers, the name must be unique on your logical LAN network. The Yes value provides for multiple servers with the same name, allowing more than one server to provide the same service. o Network Adapter specifies the adapter to be used by the SRVIFS server program. The default is 0. o Maximum number of concurrent install sessions specifies the number of clients that are allowed to concurrently connect to this server. The default is 1. o Maximum number of open files specifies the number of files that the server may have open concurrently. The default is 100. o Number of threads for supporting client requests defines the number of threads used to support workstation requests. The default is 2. For large networks (20 or more concurrent clients), a value of 12 is recommended. ═══ 19. Help for Corrective Service Required ═══ Select the Install corrective service now option if you have the OS/2 2.0 Service Pack Version 2.00 diskettes available at this time. If you do not have the version 2.00 Service Pack diskettes, select the Continue without installing corrective service option. This option will allow you to continue with the installation of the OS/2 diskette images in order to create client diskettes. However, if you do not install corrective service diskettes now, clients will not be able to remotely install OS/2 from this code server. You may later reinstall the OS/2 2.0 diskette images with the Version 2.00 Service Pack diskettes in order to enable this code server to support the remote installation of OS/2. ═══ 20. Help for More Server Configuration ═══ o Default drive for remotely attached clients and Root directory specify the drive and path that appears as the root of the attached drive to the client workstation. o Type of access specifies whether the path defined can be accessed in ReadWrite or ReadOnly mode. o If enabled, Create a subdirectory for each client will create and use a subdirectory descendant from the path directory for each client. The subdirectory name will be the client name. ═══ 21. Help for Remove Product Images ═══ Select the product images that you want to be removed from this code server. Only installed product images are selectable for removal. Note that the remote installation of OS/2 requires NTS/2 LAPS. Therefore, the NTS/2 LAPS diskette images cannot be removed while the OS/2 images are installed. Installation command files and response files will not be removed. ═══ 22. Help for Specify Target Drive ═══ Specify the target drive location to be used to create a set of bootable diskettes for clients. ═══ 23. Help for Setup Utility for Redirected Install ═══ The Setup Utility for Redirected Install is an applet designed to assist administrators in the task of installing and configuring a code server for redirected installation. The utility also creates bootable diskettes that may be used by clients to remotely install applications from this code server. The setup utility provides the following functions to assist administrators in preparing for redirected installation: o A Presentation Manager interface for the installation and removal of Redirected Install Support. Redirected Install Support includes the LAN CID Utility (LCU) and the Service Installable File System (SRVIFS). o Initial configuration and reconfiguration of SRVIFS. o Installation and Removal of diskette images for: - OS/2 2.0 - NTS/2 LAN Adapter and Protocol Support - Extended Services - LAN Server 3.0 Note: Both Extended Services and the Extended Services CID Utility Product are required for redirected installation of Extended Services. o Creating a default command file that will allow clients to install all product images that were installed on the code server through the Setup Utility. o Creating bootable diskettes for use by clients to initialize and execute remote install sessions. ═══ 24. Keys Help ═══ There is no help on keys. ═══ 25. Needs Help ═══ Sorry, there is no help available for this panel. ═══ 26. Help for LAN NetView Start Support ═══ Specify whether this client will use an installation command file created by the LAN NetView Start program. o Select No if this client will not use an installation command file created by the LAN NetView Start program. Client diskettes will be created to search the ..\CID\CLIENT subdirectory for installation command files. The LAN NetView Start subdirectory will not be used. o Select Yes if this client will use an installation command file created by the LAN NetView Start program. This will cause client diskettes to search for installation command files in the LAN NetView Start subdirectory. Enter the SNA Network Name as specified by the /NETWORK parameter when LAN NetView Start is invoked. The default SNA Network Name is NET1. This name is used by LAN NetView Start to extend the CID directory structure for the storage of client command, response and log files. Client diskettes will be created to access the ..\CID\CLIENT\ subdirectory. ═══ 27. Help for Generate Server Report ═══ Select Generate Server Report to create a report on the setup of your code server. You may edit or print this file, called REPORT.DAT, from the ..\CID directory on the drive where Redirected Installation Support is installed. The report may be used in conjunction with the LAN NetView Start Directory Mapping object to manage server/alias attach points (SRVATTCHs).